Geoffrey Meredith
Thoughts on Technology


(posted on 29 Aug 2005)

I've been threatening to switch from Windows to Linux for my main desktop computer for a long time. I finally got the initiative a few days ago. I've decided to post a few blog entries that describe my experience in making the transition.

First I should layout my general experience with Windows and Linux to better put into context my comments.

I've been using and developing software for Windows since the first beta version of Windows 1.0. Some version of Windows has been my main desktop OS for most of that time. I support various friends and family's use of Windows.

I started using Linux as a web server technology in 1998 when I saw the limitation and vulnerabilities of Windows as an Internet platform. I've been administering Internet connected servers and developing various technologies on these servers ever since. In all that time I've never given up on Window to attach my local keyboard to. It's hard to give up the comfort of my familiar tools.

As time has gone on the hurdles to switching to Linux have been falling and the advantages have been increasing. I've made half-hearted attempts to make this switch many times over the years. Each time some issue would prevent me from making the transition. This time is different. This time I've committed to move as much of my day-to-day computing to Linux.

To make the transition a little easier, I've kept an old computer that is still running Windows XP if I need it for any reason. This has allowed me to move over to Linux has I have time to transform things. I've set up this XP machine to run VNC so that I can VNC into it from my desktop without really having to change keyboards and so that I can cut & past between the two systems.

Future posts will get into the transition itself and the issues that I've come across.